About San Mateo County Firefighters

San Mateo County Firefighters will work together to improve our communities and Fire Service in a united effort to consolidate. We will provide for the protection, safety and sustainable security of our citizens and members.

San Mateo County Firefighters represents firefighters in eleven different Firefighter Assocaions.  Pacifica, Brisbane, Millbrae, Central County, Foster City, San Mateo, Belmont-San Carlos, Redwood City, Woodside, Menlo Park, and the Coastside.  Currently the Coastside is a “district in exile” due to a hostile State of California takeover.  We expect to have the Coastside back in the future. 

Each Association is given a District number and each District has two District VIce Presidents which are able to cast one vote on the Executive Board of San Mateo County Firefighters, regardless of size.  The Executive Board of San Mateo County Firefighters meets monthly. 

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  • Mickey Kelly
    commented 2013-12-01 19:36:30 -0800
    2400 has come a long way since 1972 when a bunch of Belmont Firefighters got together and started this union.. Most of you don’t remember the battles we went through, but it was worth all the fighting !!Keep up the good work !!